12th July 2016, San Diego
Announced today at the CSTA 2016 annual conference in San Diego, California, the Computer Science Teacher Association (USA) and Codio have formed an agreement to provide free access to Codio for all CSTA K-12 teacher members.
The agreement will provide vital support for K-12 teacher professional development and serve as a resource for community content creation and collaboration. Codio and the CSTA will provide a program of community support including “on-boarding” webinars and online support to enable CSTA members to benefit from the platform.
How to Join as a CSTA Member
Phillip Snalune, Codio’s CEO, said:
“Teaching computer science in schools has to be one of the most powerful and rewarding endeavours of modern times, developing the next generation of computer literate creators able to solve the problems of the future. Supporting teachers is core to Codio’s mission - so we’re delighted to be partnering with the CSTA to provide teachers with professional development resources and to stimulate the creation and sharing of teaching content with the community.”
Dr Mark Nelson, CSTA Executive Director commented:
“Professional development is the #1 strategic priority for the Computer Science Teachers Association. We are very excited to be partnering with Codio on this new initiative. This partnership brings real value for K-12 computer science teachers whether they are new to CS, or have been teaching CS for many years. We have a growing community of K-12 educators in many countries and from many backgrounds— and the Codio platform provides us with a fantastic way to help support and grow that community."
Fred Martin, CSTA University Representative and Board Chair-Elect added:
"The Codio platform provides a unique set of tools for teachers to develop and share programming projects - and to work on them live in a powerful web-based environment. I am really excited that this platform will now be freely available to all of our members for professional development and community purposes."
Using Codio as a CSTA K12 Member:
Codio is the cloud learning platform for computer science education providing an unparalleled wealth of resources, software and infrastructure to support teachers and learners across the education spectrum. You can access:
Cloud infrastructure, software and web-based IDE that lets you instantly create programming projects using just about any programming language, framework, database or other component
Web-based code editor with integrated multi-language de-bugger support
Course authoring and publishing tools
K12 aligned teaching and learning resources with courses including: An Introduction to Programming (Flode, Java, Python Javascript), An Introduction to Web Development, MySQL, Linux and the Command Line
Ability to author auto-graded assessments and use the assessment engine for unit testing
Advanced classroom and student tracking dashboards, e.g. for supporting groups of teachers engaged in professional development
Rich tutorial support and documentation
How can CSTA Members join Codio?
It's easy to join. Just enter your work email address, and follow the link to join the CSTA organisation.
About The CSTA:
The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) is a membership organization that supports and promotes the teaching of computer science. CSTA provides opportunities for K–12 teachers and their students to better understand computer science and to more successfully prepare themselves to teach and learn. Since its launch in 2004, CSTA has grown into a dynamic and vibrant organization of professionals interested in supporting computer science education in K-12. Today, our membership consists of more than 22,000 members from more than 130 countries. These members include elementary, middle, and high school teachers; college and university faculty; supportive members of industry and government, school administrators, other non-profits, and parents.