Have you heard of the initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which provides support for the Innovative Professional Development (iPD) Challenge? View the article in "MDRC: Building Knowledge to Improve Social Policy"
The challenge seeks to determine how a change in school district professional development leads to different teacher experiences and measurable improvements. The "iPD Challenge" apparently came about in response to growing frustrations (we've all felt them) with the current state of teacher professional development. The challenge is seen as an "ambitious attempt to improve... the availability of high-quality professional development". Finally, yes!
The theory of course being that if a district adopts a better approach to matching professional development to teacher needs, it improves the overall effectiveness of its teachers, which, as we all know, then improves student outcomes.
So, I challenge YOU to explore Codio's Web-based IDE, or WIDE (where you now know you can write/run code in number of different languages) even more than you already have.
I challenge you to choose a new language to learn (without having to learn a new user interface because you are using Codio).
I challenge you to bring this new language back to students and show them the lifelong learner that you really are, oh computer-teacher-friends-of-mine!
Codio's WIDE is not only perfect for your students, its perfect for YOU and your own IPD (Innovative Professional Development) or, as I like to say, a "WIDE perfect for your own PiDe" (Professional and innovative Development that's engaging/exciting/ easy-to-use...
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