This post is in honor of Grace Hopper, also known as "Amazing Grace", who inspires the Anita Borg Institute's Grace Hopper Conference in the US.
This year’s Grace Hopper Conference or Celebration of Women in Computing extravaganza is happening soon in Houston, Texas, USA (October 19-21). While I have not had the good fortune to attend (yet), I have voraciously read-all-about-it for years now
This year’s conference (I want to write festivities) appear even more exciting than in years past, especially as I read on Chic Techies blog “The demand is so crazy that the general tickets for the Grace Hopper Conference 2016 got sold within 15 mins of them being released!” Can this be true? I believe it!
Of particular note to me this year, is the call to “Be an OSD Mentor”, as in "Open Source Day" mentor. One thing I didn’t know about the conference (aka, celebration/festival), was that the Anita Borg Institute hosts a ‘Code-a-thon for Humanity’ which gives conference attendees the opportunity to learn about open source code AND work on real world problems together.
How cool is that?!
Go Open Source Day- and go Codio for your support of open source in general, as well!
--Did you know Codio has open-sourced its teaching content on GitHub for us to share?!
--Did you know you can use Codio to host your own hack-a-thon or code-a-thon too?!
Why not create a meaningful real-world project for your own coding classroom using Codio’s IDE and share your project on GitHub with others too?
After all… we are all in this together, right?
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