Codio recently sat down and chatted with Dr. Greg DeLozier, Adjunt Professor of Computer Science, about using Codio to teach Big Data at Kent State University.
As a result, Codio will shortly be releasing two important new features based on Dr. DeLozier’s requests for extensions to suit the outer limits of teaching big data.
Photo: David Croft at Coventry University setting up his teaching environment on Codio. Photo curtsey of @DrLancaster from @covcampus
Bigger Boxes - Codio’s boxes have a default CPU and RAM allocation that is adequate for almost all coding projects. However, some applications require higher levels of RAM and so Codio will shortly be offering lecturers with the ability to configure larger allocations.
Time To Live Boxes - standard Codio boxes shut down automatically a few minutes after the student closes the project. It is this capability that ensures Codio can afford to offer users advanced server resources at a very low cost. However, for some projects such as big data and server side API development, this automatic termination is troublesome. Our TTL boxes allow boxes to remain online for a specific time period before they are killed. If the student wants to restart the box at any point they can, whether in the CS lab or at home and so interruptions are rare and perfectly acceptable in a teaching environment.
Always On Boxes - we already offer this feature but due to fact that these servers are permanently live and consuming resources, Codio needs to charge extra. In a teaching environment, the Time To Live boxes provide the availability that teachers need at a cost that they can afford.