Following on from the five coding challenges added to Codio are three slightly more difficult challenges. While the original five were aimed at beginners, the new ones are for those with intermediate programming skills. Once you're logged in to Codio you can find all the challenges here: Coding Challenges
I've listed below the main skills and understanding that students will need in order to complete them:- Iteration including nested iteration
- String manipulation
- Arrays
- Modular Arithmetic
So let's take a quick look at the challenges to see what's in store for those attempting them.
Challenge 1 - Check Digit
Students are required to create a program that will allow a user to enter the first nine digits of an ISBN-10 number. Their program should then calculate the check digit using the algorithm provided.
Challenge 2 - Prime Number
This is quite a tough program to write as students will need to make use of nested iteration. The challenge includes a small extension task where they are asked to consider the efficiency of their program.
Challenge 3 - Favourite Team
The requirement here is to "examine" a number of lines of text and establish common occurences with the context being football. The programs must establish which team occurs the most in each string.
Once you're logged in to Codio you can find all the challenges here: Coding Challenges
Don't forget that you can make use of Codio's classroom management features so you can easily access each students code and see how they're getting on. Just get in touch if you're not sure how to do this or take a look at our documentation.
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