MOOC Courses. Improvement to Content Authoring. New Assessment Type.
Thinking about putting your MOOC courses online? Get in touch with us at We've also added a free text area for a new assessment type. And you can now author content purely in Html.
edX Courses - MOOC Courses
In conjunction with a major US university, we have just completed testing of our integration with the edX platform. Integration is done using the LTI mechanism such that account signup, single sign on and grading pass through are all managed automatically.
We will soon be publishing a case study with our university partner explaining how Codio radically improves the student experience for programming courses and the ease of technical configuration.
Free Text Assessments
We have added a new assessment type to Codio Guides. The free text assessment type allows an author to ask open ended questions that requires essay type answers.
Students enter their answer in a free text area and can modify the answers over time until complete. Teachers can manually grade the results directly from the teacher dashboard. The students answer is displayed on screen and the grade can be assigned without needing to enter the students’ unit.
Click here for documentation :
HTML Guides Pages
Until now, Guides pages are authored using Markdown. We recently added the ability for individual pages to be constructed using pure HTML, giving full visual control to the author as well as the ability to embed complex interactions.
Click here for documentation :